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10 Countries with Strict Alcohol Rules: What You Need to Know Before You Travel

Discover the top 10 countries with strict alcohol rules – is your next travel destination on the list? Get informed before you go.

10 Countries with Strict Alcohol Rules: What You Need to Know Before You Travel

When planning a holiday, we often look forward to exploring new landscapes, savoring weeks of leisure, and indulging in our favorite drinks. However, not every destination caters to alcohol enthusiasts. In some countries, alcohol is strictly prohibited due to religious or cultural reasons. Let's explore 10 countries with some of the strictest alcohol rules you should be aware of before your next adventure.

1. India

Before you raise your glass in India, it's essential to research the alcohol regulations in the specific province you're visiting. The legal drinking age varies across regions, ranging from eighteen to twenty-five years. In areas like Gujarat, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, and the island of Lakshadweep, all forms of alcohol are entirely prohibited, so you won't find any beers or wine there.

2. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is notorious for having some of the most stringent alcohol rules. If you're caught selling, importing, or possessing liquor in the country, you could face caning, fines, or even imprisonment. It's essential to note that the same alcohol laws apply to both locals and tourists. Attempting to bring alcohol into Saudi Arabia is risky and strongly discouraged. However, some Saudis manage to smuggle alcoholic beverages in from abroad, and they enjoy drinking them while playing in the best Saudi casino (aka افضل كازينو السعودية), but this is very dangerous and it is certainly not recommended to follow in those risk-takers' footsteps!

3. Libya

In Libya, consuming alcohol is strictly prohibited throughout the entire North African country. Considering the current political circumstances, it's not an ideal holiday destination anyway. Some residents still manage to consume alcohol illegally, but this often comes with dire consequences, as an incident in 2013 resulted in fifty fatalities from an illegally brewed fruit beer.

4. Brunei

The oil-rich state of Brunei enforces strict alcohol prohibitions. If you're caught with alcohol, you may face whipping or caning. Surprisingly, despite these strict rules, the Sultan of Brunei is known for hosting lavish parties where champagne flows freely.

5. Somalia

Similar to Libya, Somalia is not a safe travel destination at the moment. While alcohol is officially banned, it can still be found on the black market. However, displaying it in public can result in fines and even corporal punishment.

6. Sudan

Sudan is another African country with a ban on alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, or whiskey. Importing alcohol can lead to substantial fines. In the north of the country, strict adherence to Islamic rules is prevalent, but further south, home-brewed spirits can be found. However, as in Libya, these amateur brews can be unsafe.

7. Afghanistan

Locals in Afghanistan are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages, but some restaurants and hotels hold licenses to serve alcohol to tourists.

8. Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, alcohol was banned for years, but the rules have relaxed. A few hotels now hold licenses to sell alcohol, though you may need to search for them carefully.

9. Kuwait

Liquor is prohibited in Kuwait, but distilling or possessing it yourself only results in a fine. However, repeat offenders may face imprisonment.

10. Yemen

Yemen is considered a 'dry country,' with only one exception. In the port of Aden and the capital, Sana'a, drinking is legal for individuals aged 21 and older. Islamic culture largely influences the alcohol restrictions in Yemen.

As you plan your next getaway, be sure to consider the local alcohol regulations at your chosen destination. Being informed about these rules will help ensure a safe and enjoyable vacation. Remember, the cultural and legal landscape of each country can vary widely, so it's essential to respect and adhere to their rules during your visit.

About the Author:

This article was written by George Kassar, who serves as the assistant marketing manager at the Hex Casino website. George is passionate about writing and traveling, and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experiences with readers on various websites, including his own.
