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Birdsong Brewing Debuts Two New Brews

Birdsong Brewing Pink Robots

Birdsong Brewing Co. in Charlotte, North Carolina has announced two new brews being released this week.

Love & Happiness is a 7.4 percent ABV White IPA and Pink Robots is a raspberry and blackberry-infused kettle-soured ale.

The full release from Birdsong is below:

White IPA
ABV: 7.4%  |  IBU: 60
Overheard during this week's pilot batch tasting: 

"It's like a walk in the woods on a sunshiney day."

"Wow, just... oh wow." 

"Drinking this is like being in the woods with the wind blowing between the branches. Do you feel that?" 

Sadly, we didn't walk around in the forest with this week's beer, but we can vouch for its piney-ness. You might remember a different iteration of "Love and Happiness" from last September, but this year's version with El Dorado, Comet and Chinook is definitely worth falling for. It's light, super bright with juiciness on the backend, and is a lovely hazy golden color that'll remind you of sunshine and the chatter of pretty little bluebirds. Or... it could just remind you of a damn good IPA and we'd be okay with that, too.  

OH, and did we mention Pink Robots is coming out on Saturday? Get the details here.

Collaboration Nation: White IPAs are considered to be a marriage of two well-known beer styles, an IPA and a Belgian wheat. Generally, White IPAs borrow the wheaty backbone from the Belgians and the hoppiness from IPAs. You can thank the folks at Deschutes and Boulevard for their contribution to brew society. 

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