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Top Emerging Beer Styles for 2023

Top Emerging Beer Styles for 2023

Every new year witnesses new beer styles rise and older ones fall by the wayside. Golden IPA, Italian Pilsner, Cocktail Beer and more are trending. Be sure to try these newly popular and interesting beer flavors!

Word among industry players and Average Joes alike is that 2023 is shaping up to be a make-or-break year for the world of beer. Prolonged economic struggle and a shifting consciousness is altering what and how people drink. This year may be the first in recent memory where beer choices are determined by what people don’t want, and what they can’t afford. Yet the beat goes on. Often, constraints lead to greater creativity, or at the very least, a sharpening or refinement of what is already available. It seems 2023, for beer drinkers, will be one of greater clarity. Let’s see what’s sparging the trub of interest for the coming year. 

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