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Unveiling Quirky Alcohol Drinking Laws from Across the Globe

Unveiling Quirky Alcohol Drinking Laws from Across the Globe

Discover the strangest alcohol laws worldwide, from Sweden's alcohol monopoly to North Korea's single beer brand. Explore restrictions on happy hours, drunk cycling, and more. Join us on a captivating journey through global alcohol regulations!

Unveiling Quirky Alcohol Drinking Laws from Across the Globe

When it comes to alcohol consumption, laws and regulations can vary greatly from country to country. While some nations have relaxed policies allowing for free-spirited indulgence, others have implemented peculiar restrictions that will leave you scratching your head. In this article, we will take a fascinating journey across the world to uncover some of the weirdest alcohol drinking laws that exist today. So, grab a drink (if you're in a place where it's legal!) and let's dive into the captivating world of quirky drinking laws around the world.

Sweden's Alcohol Monopoly

If you're planning a trip to Sweden, be aware that the sale of alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content above 3.5% is tightly controlled by the government-run chain of stores called Systembolaget. These stores are the only retail outlets allowed to sell stronger alcoholic beverages, meaning you won't find wine or spirits in regular grocery stores. Moreover, these stores have strict opening hours and are closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Only One Beer in North Korea

Only One Beer in North Korea

In the secretive nation of North Korea, alcohol consumption is generally permitted. However, there is a fascinating restriction on the production and consumption of beer. The North Korean regime has mandated that only one brand of beer, Taedonggang, can be consumed in the country. Visitors have often praised the taste of this locally brewed beer, but it remains the sole option available to quench one's thirst for a cold one.

Restricted "Happy Hours" in Australia

In an effort to promote responsible drinking, Australia has implemented strict regulations on "happy hours" and discounted alcohol. Establishments are prohibited from offering discounted drinks during certain times of the day or for more than four hours per day. Additionally, "two-for-one" promotions and other similar deals are banned. These measures aim to prevent excessive alcohol consumption and associated problems.

Alcohol-Free Day in Iran

Iran, a predominantly Muslim country, has strict regulations regarding alcohol. The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages are illegal for Muslims, and even non-Muslims face limitations. One interesting aspect of Iran's alcohol laws is that the country has designated a day called "Alcohol-Free Day" where the sale of alcohol is strictly prohibited. This day is typically observed on the last Thursday of each Iranian month.

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Nelson Crowle's picture
Here's a link to some of the USA "blue laws" that are still on the books in 2023: - also check out There are many more: I remember a road trip around 2010 where (in West Virginia) you had to take your purchases from the liquor store in a paper bag; otherwise you were "advertising" by exposing the labels of the product had purchased. Pennsylvania only allowed beer sales "by the case". Flying over the panhandle of Oklahoma (30 years ago), all beer and drinks had to be picked up by the stewardesses for a few minutes.

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