A freelance writer for 32 years before crossing over to the dark side of editing, Jonathan’s original “I Write for Beer” T-shirt was a tie-dyed model. He also enjoys running – yep – for beer. He’s written six books on motor racing, a sport pursued to the ends of the earth because he enjoyed being paid to travel and write stories daily about danger and passionate individualism. A perfect day ended at the nearest emporium holding good food, beer and conversation. Once upon a time, Jonathan worked for the Scofflaw Brewing Company as the company’s original Media Relations Guy. A former editor of The Beer Connoisseur, he continues to occasionally contribute stories on beer to various websites and magazines. A beer book is next!
Beer Marketing vs. Beer Quality
For those in the business of beer, a solitary question now looms large over the…
Getting Juiced About New England IPAs (Issue 32)
Back in what could be described as the heady days of the emergence of the…
Wicked Weed’s Divisive Deed (Issue 31)
I was always slightly amazed once marijuana for personal use became legal in Colorado that…
How to Take Beer on a Plane
We all love a good beer vacation. But what about flying home with some of your favorite beer that are…
Sonoma County Craft Beer Tour
There’s always been the temptation to drink and write. For years, I’ve resisted. As much…