Apfelwein Kirsch

Bembel With Care


Cider with Other Fruit


Judges Ratings 89

Aroma: 21 / 24
Flavor: 36 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 8 / 10
Overall Impression: 18 / 20


Seductive and Delicious! A sensual combination of apple and cherry: pure cider meets cherry nectar made from direct juice. A fruity-sweet mixed cider drink. Without artificial flavorings and sweeteners.

Beverage Profile

ABV: 4.20%
Served at: (40 – 50º F)

Judges Review

Nelson Crowle picture

By Nelson Crowle

Judges Ratings 89

Aroma: 21 / 24 / 24
Flavor: 36 / 40 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 8 / 10 / 10
Overall Impression: 18 / 20 / 20

Apfelwein Kirsch by Bembel with Care was evaluated as style C2B, Cider With Other Fruit, per the 2015 BJCP Cider guidelines.

The cider pours a very clear deep amber with a slight reddish tint and a small head of tiny white bubbles that quickly fades to a small ring. The aroma has moderate table apple notes, with a medium tart red cherry note. The flavor is of tart cherry with a low red table apple note backing it up. There is a moderate acidity and the tartness of the cherry adds complexity and interest. Tannins are fairly low without bitterness and just a slight pleasant astringency. Moderate residual sweetness is well balanced by the acidity and light tannin notes. The cherry notes are prominent with the apple taking a background supporting role. Overall, a nicely balanced fruit cider that would pair nicely with a chocolate-based food like chicken mole.

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