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Instagram Submissions

Submit your photos and videos for consideration for The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online's Instagram page @beerconnoisseurmag.

Instagram Submissions

Please submit your photo or video and post copy below

You must make a submission for each post you wish for us to consider.

Upon receipt, our editors will review and then contact you with questions or approval.

Our Instagram handle is: @beerconnoisseurmag

Be sure to include your Instagram handle in the copy so that you will be notified when we post your media.

You may email editorial (at) beerconnoisseur (dot) com with questions or concerns regarding you post.

Photo & Video Should Meet the Following Guidelines

Type of Instagram Video Size and Dimension Video Format
Instagram Video 1080 x 1350p MP4, MOV, GIF
Instagram Story 1080 x 1920p MP4, MOV, GIF
Instagram Reel 1080 x 1920p MP4, MOV, GIF
Instagram Carousel Video 1080 x 1920p MP4, MOV, GIF


Type of Instagram Photo Aspect Ratio Instagram Post Size
Square Photo 1:1 1080 x 1080px
Landscape Photo 1.91:1 1080 x 608px
Portrait Photo 4:5 1080 x 1350px
Instagram Stories 9:16 1080 x 1920px

Copyright Guidelines

Your copy will be cut and pasted for the post as you have it formatted in the submission.

Be sure to include your company's handle, any other handles you'd like to include as well as relevant hashtags.

By submitting your content and media you certify that you own the media and copy that you are submitting, or you have obtained express written permission for its use.

The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online will not be held liable for re-publishing works submitted to us by 3rd parties that infringe on copyrighted materials.


Will will add your Instagram handle to the post so you will be notified when the post has gone live.
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png avi mov mp3 ogg wav mp4.
Submit the text to be included with your post. We do not include tags with your posts.
