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United States
Sculpin IPA

A trophy beer that’s a testament to our homebrew roots.
Our Sculpin IPA is a great example of what got us into brewing in the first place. After years of experimenting, we knew hopping an ale at five separate stages would produce something special. The result ended up being this gold-medal winning IPA, whose inspired use of hops creates hints of apricot, peach, mango and lemon flavors, but still packs a bit of a sting, just like a Sculpin fish.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
40 - 45° F



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Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

Starting out in the back of a local homebrewing supply store in 1996, Ballast Point Brewing has continued to expand its exceptional beer lineup, including the sublimely hop-driven Sculpin IPA. A quintessential “San Diego” IPA, Sculpin’s aroma is laced with pungent notes of citrus, tropical fruit, and hints of resin. Brandon liked the interweaving of grapefruit, Thai basil, and lemon zest, but dug further to find a tantalizing, faintly caramel-like maltiness riding beneath the hop blast. Tyson, too, was blown away by the hop aroma, likening the mélange of orange zest, peaches, and sweet mango to “holding a freshly crushed hop cone” in his hand. Brilliantly clear, and pouring a pale orange-gold, Sculpin is capped by a tightly-beaded collar of snow white foam. This hop-centric beer’s flavor maintains a sophisticated balance between hop and malt. Firmly bitter, leading with brash notes of Clementine, mango, and a hint of piney resin, it retains enough malty sweetness to yield a superbly balanced whole. Peter applauded the big citrus hop presence and felt the underlying malt sweetness beautifully tempered the aggressive bitterness. Tom was a bit surprised by his first impression of lightly malty sweetness, but that was followed immediately by a big smack of bitterness. Sculpin is a world class IPA, a solid example of San Diego County-brewed beers. Take it anywhere. Pair it with anything. Just be sure to get some Sculpin.
