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Sal Mortillaro II's picture

Judge's Review: 90 Rating - Hazy River IPL by Pontoon Brewing

June, 2019
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Hazy River IPL by Pontoon Brewing is being evaluated as a Pale Kellerbier (Category 21B) according to the 2015  BJCP Style Guidelines.

This beer pours a dark gold color with hazy clarity. A nicely sustained sudsy head of medium sized white bubbles persists and leaves a nice lacing on the glass as it eventually fades. A moderate intensity aroma of floral hops takes the forefront with a light note of traditional spicy and floral Noble hops.  A low intensity grassiness interplays with the hop aroma and is furthered by a clean fermentation profile. As the beer warms, a very subtle black tea like aspect is present. The malt aroma is neutral and the hops are the real showcase in this beer/s aroma. The flavor consists of a medium bitterness with a medium-low floral and spicy with a low black tea flavor. The malt flavor, similar to the aroma, is ever so slightly grainy though quite neutral along with the clean fermentation profile with a low sweetness.  Where the drinker would expect a flavor from the malt, the light grassiness from the dry hop flavor takes its place.  This beer slowly comes to a dry finish with a lingering aftertaste or spicy Noble hop and a very light dried orange peel. The body of this beer is medium-thin with moderate carbonation. There is a very light alcohol warmth in this beer with no astringency and a moderate-low creaminess. Overall, this is an extremely soft and drinkable India Pale Lager which was quite thirst quenching and satisfying without leaving a heavy feeling that some more traditional IPA’s tend to leave after being drank. While I was a little surprised at the lower than expected intensity of the bitterness this seems to work well with the inherent aspects of the Lager character.