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Rick Franckhauser's picture

75 Rating: Le Roar Grrrz Aardbei by Bullfrog Brewery

December, 2017
Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
5 / 6
27 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Bullfrog Brewing, Le Roar, Oak Aged Aardbei, was judged as a Fruit Lambic (with strawberries), category 23F.

The aroma opens with some Lambic like funk, hay and horse blanket. Then some vinegar and oak creep in accompanied by a fermented berry aspect that was a little off putting. While fermented fruit can present differently than fresh, it should not be unpleasant. The beer pored a hazy apricot orange color with a big foamy off-white head. Dropping quickly to a creamy white foam ring, the head managed to linger throughout.

The flavor presented a tart wheat malt, almost a sour dough, which quickly faded into the oak. Unfortunately, an acetate quality seemed to linger underneath the other aspects of the beer. Some cider vinegar notes came in mid-palate and carried through to the finish. I did note some tart strawberry made its’ way into the dry finish. The body is light with very high carbonation, nearly effervescent. Some tingle on the tongue and a little bite in the swallow.

While the beer has some of the funk and tartness expected it lacks complexity. The fermented strawberry just seems like bad fruit. The amount of oak is out of balance and the acetate notes high enough to distract. A touch of malt sweetness or an increased level of strawberry would have been welcomed.