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Sal Mortillaro II's picture

Genessee Mountain Rainbow Espresso Oatmeal Stout

July, 2016
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This Oatmeal Stout with coffee pours a very dark brown color with opaque clarity. A dense and fluffy mocha-colored head is well sustained. A prominent aroma of fresh-brewed coffee with a touch of cream is the showcase with undertones of dark chocolate and earthy roast. The coffee and roast combine into a coffee bean-like nuance that lingers in the background. Malt sweetness is lightly perceivable and helps soften the roast character in the aroma. No hop aroma is detectable. The flavor consists of French press coffee (very smooth in flavor), bitter baking chocolate, roast and earth. Malt sweetness is low and provides just enough of a presence to springboard the roasted grains. No hop flavor or hop bitterness, but a slight acridness from the roasted grains provides a balance to the low malt sweetness. English-style fruity esters become apparent after the swallow and linger with the roast. The body is thin with tongue-tickling carbonation, and a silky smoothness from the oats increases perceived body. The roasted grains lend themselves to a dry finish, but with no offensive astringency. Overall, this is a beautifully interpreted beer for those who love coffee stouts. While the body is a bit thin for the style, this may work in its favor when pairing with foods as it is not heavy and would not obscure the nuances of the dish like many other larger stouts would. I see this beer pairing wonderfully with a mole sauce dish or coffee-rubbed brisket.
