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Double D Double IPA

March, 2017

Double D

Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Poured from a 12-ounce bottle and reviewed from a pint glass as a 22A Double IPA in accordance with 2015  BJCP style guidlines.

Not unexpectedly hops come to the forefront upon initial pour. Piney and citrus notes manifest themselves in a fresh and clean wave of aromatics. A light malt sweetness is faintly evident. Burnt orange in color with a rocky white head that caps a brilliantly clear ale.

Resinous hops persist in the flavor and are followed by a solid bitterness that is well pronounced without being harsh. Malt was of a sweet caramel-like nature and helped keep the balance in check, although hops remain dominant as the style would demand. Alcohol lends its warming contribution in appropriate levels and alerts the imbiber to its strength.

This was a well conceived and cleanly brewed  Double IPA that was easy on the palate and a true representation of the style.