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Judge's Review: 83 Rating - Blackberry Sourbet by Austin Brothers Beer Co.

June, 2022

Blackberry Sourbet

Blackberry Sourbet

United States
Blackberry Sourbet, Austin Brothers Beer Co.

A fruited kettle sour with a Ton of Blackberry added during fermentation (literally!). Blackberry Sourbet pours out a deep maroon with a pillowy collar of pink foam, and delivers a jammy, fruity, tart release of flavor with each sip.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
44º F
Two-Row, Acidulated, Flaked Oats, Flaked Wheat
Michigan Mittelfruh



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Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
4 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Blackberry Sourbet by Austin Brothers Beer Co. was judged as BJCP 2021 style 28C, Wild Specialty Beer.

Cracking the can releases a tart, fruity aroma laced with tropical fruit, mango and some berry notes. There is not much funk or wild yeast character and not a lot of malt or hop presence. The aroma is inviting, not harsh or unpleasant but one-dimensional. It pours a hazy, nearly opaque purplish red with no head with a few bubbles ringing the rim. The robust flavors follow the aroma with medium-plus acidity that is not quite at lemonade levels. The mango is not artificial and adds flavor but not sweetness and there is a hint of berry. The added sea salt helps balance the acidity. The beer has medium-plus carbonation and a bit of carbonation that reminds me of a slurpee. The beer is drinkable and refreshing with a beer character that struggles to peek out through the massive dose of fruit and sour. It's not elegant but it will hit the spot on a hot summer day.
