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Judge's Review: 88 Rating - Rainbow Smiggles by Pontoon Brewing

February, 2022

Rainbow Smiggles

Rainbow Smiggles

United States
Rainbow Smiggles, Pontoon Brewing

Berliner Weisse brewed with rainbow candy, fruit cereal, pineapples, and strawberries.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
42 - 46º F



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
4 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Rainbow Smiggles by Pontoon Brewing is a mixed-style beer and was judged as such (BJCP sub-style 34B). Berliner weisse is the base style, with rainbow candy, fruit cereal, pineapples and strawberries added. It poured a hazy light gold into the glass, forming a thin white head with little retention. The initial aroma was dominated by a pleasant lactic sourness, reflecting its base style and was then followed immediately by sweet berry fruit and fainter malt notes. The flavor profile also featured lactic sourness throughout the taste, with fruit in a clear but fainter supporting role. The mouthfeel included a light body, steady sourness combined with a juicy sweetness, light carbonation and no noticeable warmth. Overall, this exceptionally unique hybrid brew is pleasant and drinkable. The sweetness from the fruit and fruit-related additions balances the sourness of a traditional Berliner weisse. One would not think that a beer made with candy and cereal would be so drinkable, but this one tastes as advertised. The result is a very enjoyable brew that should appeal to a broad cross-section of consumers.
