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Judge's Review: 90 Rating - Psychedelic Rabbit Transcendent IPA by New Realm Brewing

January, 2023

Psychedelic Rabbit Transcendent IPA

Psychedelic Rabbit Transcendent IPA

United States
Psychedelic Rabbit Transcendent IPA, New Realm Brewing

If you go, chasing rabbits, may you find yourself in a new realm wonderland juicy-hop filled bliss. Feed your head with this Transcendent IPA using Cascade, Cashmere, Mosaic,
Azacca and Citra hops along with the new Thiol-active Star Party yeast designed to provide an atomic burst of Passion fruit, Pineapple, and Tangerine juiciness that will blow your mind… go ask Alice, I think she'll know.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
38 - 45º F
Cascade, Cashmere, Mosaic, Azacca, Citra



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Psychedelic Rabbit Transcendent IPA by New Realm Brewing is being judged as an American IPA (Category 21A) per the 2021 BJCP guidelines.

This beer pours a golden color with a slight chill haze. An off-white, dense, mousse-like head of small bubbles persists during the entire time the beer is consumed leaving a nice lacing on the glass. The aroma consists of a moderate juicy, fleshy mango, which is prominent with hints of pineapple and wisps of passion fruit and a very slight hint of pine. On the initial aroma there is a low yeasty, doughy aroma that dissipates. 

The flavor is similar to the aroma with juicy and fleshy mango as most prominent with hints of pineapple and passion fruit. However, the pine notes come in at a slightly higher intensity than perceived in the aroma. This beer has a medium-low hop bitterness. There is a low grainy malt flavor in this beer, but it is quickly overshadowed by the hops. In the finish, a touch of mineral-like flavor manifests with notes of bitter tangerine peel.

This beer has a medium body and medium carbonation with a very slight touch of noted alcohol. There is no noted hop astringency in this beer.

Overall, this beer has a lovely and juicy tropical flavor. I would have enjoyed a touch more hop bitterness in this beer as an American IPA. However, this is an easy-drinking IPA with great flavor that no doubt you will enjoy. 
