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Judge's Review: 92 Rating - Fluffy by Night Shift Brewing

June, 2022



United States
Fluffy, Night Shift Brewing

Our flagship hazy IPA, Fluffy sips like a fresh squeeze of hoppy orange juice. It features all cryo hops in the recipe, 95% added post-boil for an extra drinkable, minimally bitter profile. Heavy dry-hopping adds layer upon layer of citrus saturation. Every sip is juicy and bright, bursting with enormous flavors of sweet clementine, fresh apricot, and ripe mango.
For many years, we only had enough of the right hops to make very small, limited batches of Fluffy. When a release dropped, the batch would sell out in days, if not hours, and we were just happy people loved it so much. Today, we’ve secured enough of those juicy hops to make big batches of Fluffy, and we can share it all over New England and beyond.

Beverage Profile
Served at: 
45º - 50º F
Rahr Pale, Oats, C-20, Carapils
Cryo Citra, Cryo Simcoe, Cryo Idaho 7



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Fluffy by Night Shift Brewing was judged according to the 2021 BJCP Style Guidelines, Style 21C (Hazy IPA).

This is a beer you want to stock your fridge with. Cracking the can releases rich, complex fruit aromas laced with orange, citrus and stone fruit. There are no grassy or herbal notes. Clean neutral, light bready malt aromas provide support but provide no caramel or toast. It pours an opaque, hazy gold with traces of orange under a robust meringue-like cap. The rich, well-developed hop flavors offer citrus, tropical fruit, orange, stone fruit, grapefruit, melon and berry with no unpleasant vegetal or grassy flavors. The malt provides solid support. The bitterness starts medium-low and then gently builds to medium while the sweetness starts medium and then finishes with a black tea-like dryness that pleasantly lingers. All aspects of the beer work well together and nothing is in the beer that does not belong.
