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Judge's Review: 93 Rating - East Brother Red IPA by East Brother Beer Co.

October, 2019
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

East Brother Red IPA by East Brother Beer Co. is a Red IPA and is being evaluated as a Specialty IPA: Red IPA (2015 BJCP Category 21B) offering according to BJCP guidelines. For this style expect an American IPA with more flavorful malt such as caramel, toffee, and/or dark fruit, but not sweet or heavy.

A mostly clear dark amber beer supports a large, frothy pale beige head that persists while leaving nice lacing along the glass. Moderate pine, resin, and dank sweaty sock hops rise from the glass initially while a light, spicy toasted straw malt character enters next. Heavy hop bitterness alongside stone fruit hop flavor mostly dominates yet allows the rich, medium caramel and earthy grain malt to show. The beer is medium-high bodied with medium-high carbonation.

Light caramel malt presents as a secondary aroma along with an overall earthiness and fresh pine hop character. There is a pleasant hop spiciness in the flavor and increasing stone fruit hop character which adds flavor and body complexity. The hop steals the balance but there is sufficient malt to show deep character. The beer finishes dry with lingering fresh pine hops and caramel, earthy malt.

This beer would pair nicely with a spicy lamb vindaloo.