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Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Moinette enjoys worldwide acclaim as a true representative of an almost forgotten brewing tradition. In continuous production since 1955, and rife with beguiling aromas and flavors of banana, lemon zest, cloves, and French baguette, Moinette has always done an admirable job of cloaking its noteworthy 8.5% ABV. Tom enjoyed the sweet orange peel and “touch of Belgian yeast funk” permeating the nose, proclaiming the aromas “clean, yet distinctly Belgian influenced.” In addition to note of citrus fruit, Pete was hit by a wash of “overripe banana up front, then hints of clove,” all laced with slightly boozy alcohol. Pete had to dig deep, but he did manage to find some very light malt buried in the nose. This is a faintly copper-tinged blonde ale, enveloped by a luxuriant, pillowy white head. Alcohol plays a central role in the flavor, but is hidden within a profusion of sweet, fruity, and spicy notes. Rick enjoyed the “slightly chewy malt sweetness up front,” and felt the faintly peppery and spicy highlights kept everything in balance. He did notice a “touch of alcohol heat” in the finish, though. The pepperiness struck Mike more as “Grains of Paradise and coriander” than actual peppercorns, and he was impressed by the complex herbal and spicy flavors of lemongrass, hibiscus, and even a trace of lavender. This beer is perilously drinkable, but it should be accorded respect due its strength.