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PsycHOPathy IPA

September, 2017
Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
6 / 6
31 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

PscHOPathy (judged as BJCP Category 21A, American IPA) from Mad Tree is a solid but unremarkable member of an ever-expanding universe of American IPAs.

The beer pours gold with a slight haze (OK, given the likely hopping rate), with a fluffy white head that's moderately persistent. The aroma is mostly pine, but with a touch of light caramel and biscuit from the malt background.  As it warms you can detect a touch of perfumey alcohols and a bit of citrus (orange), either from esters of hops, but never in particularly significant quantities.  

The flavor reflects the grassy hop-forward character present in the aroma, with medium-high bittering and a semi-dry finish. There's a touch of warming on the palate, and a slight slickness that might be indicative of a low level of diacetyl.  

Overall, this isn't a bad IPA, but neither is it especially noteworthy. It's worth a try, especially since IPA preferences often come down to your palate's preference for certain hops and combinations, and it shows few technical glitches. A solid beer.