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Randy Scorby's picture

Rider by Midnight Sun Brewing Co.

November, 2017
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Rider, from Midnight Sun Brewing Company, is being evaluated as a Wild Specialty Beer (Category 28C) from the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

This beer exudes Brettanomyces character right from the start, with a combination of stone fruit and floral followed up quickly with the classic barnyard quality most expect.  There is also a slight barrel aged aroma of oaky woodiness and a hint of vanilla. A tart lemon citrus and bready malt also emerge as the beer warms and vents.  The flavor pushes out even more classic earthy, barnyard Brett with a slight floral and citrus overtone.  A moderate, but well balanced, lactic sourness and medium hop bitterness emerges mid-palate and lingers into a fairly dry finish, assisted by the smooth alcohol and a light barrel derived astringency that is appropriate. 

Although the base beer could have been slightly better represented, it is extremely well made and fans of Brett beer should not pass this one up. The Brett character is fairly complex and prominent, and is well integrated with the barrel character.
