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Dan Martich's picture


October, 2016


Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

This beer pours dark gold, nearly approaching copper.  It is very clear with a white fluffy head with great retention, but no visible carbonation bubbles.  The aroma comes through as medium citrusy grapefruit, with some floral and grassy hop notes as it warms.  The malt is a very low grainy character and the yeast is putting out some low fruity esters, followed by a fainty degree of resiny hops.  The flavor is malt forward bready, toasted with a pine like citrus hop flavor.  There is some sweetness just before the short semi-dry finish.  Slight dankness from the hops and low caramel round up the flavor, the aftertaste is bitter and long lasting.  Balancing is most definitely toward the hops in both flavor and bitterness.  The medium-full body and medium-low carbonation somehow give this beer a light textured mouth feel, a pleasant IPA experience.  Overall this great tasting IPA has a good balance and flavor profile.  The hop character does not overwhelm the malt notes and both seem in harmony. The beautiful complex hop aroma invites the taster to enjoy it again and again.