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Brad Darnell

Brad Darnell's picture
Beer Judge

Brad became interested in the science behind beer while taking a senior Chemical Engineering elective course, Biochemical Engineering, where the professor spoke of enzymes (among other things) and took the class on a brewery tour. He has since begun home brewing and earned a BJCP Grand Master II rank, currently serving as the Mountain/Northwest Regional Representative and Associate Exam Director while continuing to judge competitions around the U.S. and educating himself and others. In his spare time Brad visits breweries around the world, always on the hunt for those who produce world-class examples of hard-to-find, obscure or innovative styles.

My reviews

Judges Rating:
5 / 6
23 / 24
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

East Brother Belgian Tripel by East Brother Beer Co. is a Belgian Tripel and is being evaluated as a Belgian Tripel (2015 BJCP Category 26C) offering according to BJCP guidelines. For this style expect a clean malt flavor and a spicy, dry, strong character that is fairly aromatic.

The... Read More
