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Users may create brilliant ideas for new system applications or enhancements, but they may lack understanding of how difficult it is to develop a product. Developers, on the other hand, may not be sensitive to users' needs and timing. Neither party may understand the needs for accounting or management. All of these issues are multiplied when cheapest essay writing service are multinational, uses consultants, or uses developers located in other countries. Therefore, any managing of information technology projects must account for proper planning, tracking, documentation, communication, testing, and implementation. This must be done to successfully manage expectations, plan resources, and complete projects.

Planning IT Resource Allocation
Depending on your organization, resource allocation may be the first or last thing you do when planning a project. For a small organization with only occasional IT needs, projects will likely be handled by an outside provider or consultant. In this case, IT projects will most likely be a line item on a larger budget. Resource allocation may involve bringing in several possible clients. Even if you use an outside team only occasionally, make sure that you understand the entire IT project process.For a larger organization, you should approach annual IT projects no differently than any other budget item.