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Editorial Dept.

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Editorial Dept.

The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online is the beer and beverage industries’ leading media authority that covers a range of consumer and professional interest categories including beer and beverage news, people, food & travel, beverage trends, education, expert beverage reviews, blogs, and lifestyles content including cannabis, CBD, spirits, gaming, gambling, casinos, technology, consumer products, and more.

Articles, stories and reviews that are published under the Editorial Department by-line have been produced as a collaborative effort by multiple staff editors within our editorial department with expertise on the subject.

You may reach the editorial department with questions, story pitches or opportunities by email at:

editorial (at) beerconnoisseur (dot) com


My articles

BC: Who came up with this beer’s recipe? Like many beers here at CMBC, Boughs of Barley was a bit of a collaborative effort, no one person designed...
Judging Process Our reviews are conducted in a single-blind tasting format. This method provides the best opportunity to rely on facts and to avoid...
The masterminds behind some of our highest-rated brews describe the inspiration behind the recipes and other interesting inquries....
Spring 2017, Issue 29
One of the best things about beer is that it brings people together... depending on who you ask and how many snifters they've snuffed. Competition...
Mikkeller Releases Black Ivory Coffee Stout For Elephant Awareness
On Wednesday, Mikkeller will unite with the elephants to drink beer in the name of greater good. We are releasing the Black Ivory Coffee Stout,...
Indiana Pilsener, and damn good one at that. More than any other beer, Upland receives pictures and stories from folks rediscovering this Indiana...
The Topsail by Cape May Brewing Co.
Cape May Brewing Co. recently announced the latest release in their highly-acclaimed Barrel Aged Series: The Topsail. Over a year in development,...
Nitro Dry Irish Stout
With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, Breckenridge Brewery has channeled the luck of the Irish in their spring installment of the Nitro...
American Craft Beer Week: May 15-21
For the twelfth consecutive year, the Brewers Association has declared American Craft Beer Week (ACBW), a nationwide celebration of the small and...
