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Jonathan Ingram

Jonathan Ingram's picture

A freelance writer for 32 years before crossing over to the dark side of editing, Jonathan’s original “I Write for Beer” T-shirt was a tie-dyed model. He also enjoys running – yep – for beer. He’s written six books on motor racing, a sport pursued to the ends of the earth because he enjoyed being paid to travel and write stories daily about danger and passionate individualism. A perfect day ended at the nearest emporium holding good food, beer and conversation. Once upon a time, Jonathan worked for the Scofflaw Brewing Company as the company's original Media Relations Guy. A former editor of The Beer Connoisseur, he continues to occasionally contribute stories on beer to various websites and magazines. A beer book is next!


My articles

Sonoma Calling
There’s always been the temptation to drink and write. For years, I’ve resisted. As much as I’ve enjoyed the drug-infused work of New Journalism...
The image of the brewer who is part mad scientist and part artist has long been one of the iconic images of craft brewing lore. With Chad Yakobson,...
I recently completed a beer trade with a couple of friends and ended up with the equivalent of two mixed six-packs after the swap. Once home, I put...
Jonathan Ingram Connoisseur's Corner
We live in red state/blue state political times. In beer, of course, it’s macro versus craft, Big Beer versus the Independents. A shot of a different...
James Hinchcliffe takes his beer drinking and his Indy car driving seriously. But he’s also a funny guy. Some of this results from being Canadian,...
Once upon a recent time in Tampa, there was a homebrewer anticipating the opening of a local craft brewery so he could get his dream job by working...
A U.S. Senator, who long ago seemed to have a handle on what disturbed people most about the political process in Washington, once offered this line...
Todd Usry is one of the new faces of craft beer, even though he’s been working at Breckenridge Brewery since 1990 when he started as a delivery truck...
If you’ve been drinking porters and stouts this winter, then give a nod to the Mayans and Aztecs. The royalty of these cultures were the first to...

