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Star Beer USA

Star Beer USA

291 South La Cienega Boulevard
Suite 411
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
United States

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How it All Started

In the tradition of the great lagers of the world, Star Lager Beer stands out as one of the most popular and legendary drinks in Africa. Since inception of the beer in June 1949, Star Lager Beer has been synonymous with success, class, and modernity. Star Lager Beer quickly attained market leadership in 1960, and became one of the most popular beers in Africa. Star Lager Beer was a pioneer in multi-media advertising and was one of the first beers to be prominently featured in television advertisements.

How Old is Star Beer?

Star Beer originally comes from Nigeria, a country in West Africa, known as being the seventh-most populous country in the world! Star Beer has become one of the most legendary drinks in Africa!


The ingredients in Star Beer are: Water, Malted Barley, Hops, Malted Sorghum, Sucrose, and most importantly, SATISFACTION!

Where Can I Find Star Beer?

You can buy Star Beer at any of the California locations listed here:

or, you can get a six-pack delivered cold nationwide, right to your door here:


