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Owen Ogletree's picture

Citra Ass Down

June, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

This hoppy ale confirmed its Double IPA moniker after one sip, as thick, complex layers of malt complexity wash across the palate with tones of toast, biscuit crust and light caramel nuances -- all backed by a touch of alcohol warmth. Aromas of citrusy tropical fruits follow through in the flavor that's highlighted by a hop presence of pineapple, kiwi, light tangerine and mango. The crisp, sticky Citra hop personality shines through the rich malt in impressive aroma and flavor appeal. With its rather high alcohol content, don't be tempted to cellar this potent IPA; it's best to consume this one fresh in order to fully appreciate the Citra magnificence before it fades.
