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Richard Wong's picture

Racer X

November, 2015

Racer X

Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Surprisingly for a Double IPA the hop aroma was fairly restrained. For this style of beer, I was expecting a very prominent and intense hop aroma, but instead, it was somewhat subdued. The beer had a lovely copper color with very good carbonation and a nice head of light, fluffy, creamy bubbles. Even with the surprisingly subtle hop aromas in the nose, the flavor was definitely just like a Double IPA. It had the dominant malt background in flavor (malty sweetness) and the alcohol strength to back it up. Hints of subtle pine from the hops balance nicely with the malt sweetness along with the fairly strong alcohol warmth. The beer was also surprisingly very creamy and light in the tongue and mouth. This beer was “spot-on" in terms of style; it had the necessary malt, hops and alcohol to justify it being called a Double IPA. The beer was crisp, clean and finished with a nice alcohol warmth in the end.
