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Judge's Review: 92 Rating - Hobbit Juice by Beer'd Brewing Co.

September, 2016

Hobbit Juice

Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

A beer with the name of Hobbit Juice (a Double IPA by Beer'd Brewing Co.) is sure to have a tale or two told of it. In this case, it’s a well-crafted, hop-forward beer clearly showcasing Nelson hops.

The aroma opens with light grapefruit, lemon, and Muscat grapes. Light honey malt helps to support the bright hop nose. As it warms, a subtle berry ester emerges.

A tall stand of white foam sits atop a burnished gold beer with brilliant clarity, which is exceedingly rare in modern Double IPAs and is a welcome sight.

Nelson hops are still clearly the leader in the flavor with pleasant white grape, resin, lemon, and a bit of herbal character. Due to the moderate bitterness this beer is nearly evenly balanced, which for many hop heads, might prove to be problematic despite the light honey, grainy malt taking such a backseat to the hops.

In a world that is quickly become saturated with IPAs, it can be difficult to differentiate oneself. Hobbit Juice is a unique beer that has almost more in common with a Riesling than a beer. Nelson hops are clearly in the forefront and are well incorporated.
