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Judge's Review: 97 Rating - Dusseldorf Alt by Seedstock Brewery

September, 2018
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
5 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

Dusseldorf Alt by Seedstock Brewery is being evaluated as an Altbier (2015 BJCP Category 7B). Upon pouring, it presents itself as a solid brown beer with garnet highlights that sits beneath a fleeting, tan head comprised of small bubbles.

The nose is quite malt-forward with toast, brown bread and a bit of baker’s chocolate. Restrained prunes and light floral hop presence provides intrigue. 

The flavor of this beer is similar to the aroma but, again, with a bit more intensity. Above average brown bread, hints of nuts and dark fruit are balanced by the moderately high bitterness, which ultimately tilts the balance in its favor. It’s cleanly fermented with no off-flavors and is well attenuated leading to a dry finish. The aftertaste features toast and nuts with earthy, floral hops. 

You don’t see too many Altbiers in the United States and many are sickly sweet versions of what they should be. But Seedstock’s Dusseldorf Alt hits the mark. Malty yet bitter with a hint of fermentation character makes this Altbier unforgettable. 
