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Joseph Formanek's picture


May, 2016
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Phantasmagoria is a delicious and approachable take on a Double IPA. This slightly hazy, deep golden-colored brew has a solid white-colored head of fine bubbles that lingers. The aroma delivers an intense level of dank hop character with a touch of citrus, melon and pineapple, and the malt character playing a supporting role.

The flavor is dominated by strong, dank, allium-like oniony hop flavors along with moderate hop bitterness on top of a somewhat mild malt backbone. Some citrus, mango and pineapple flavors come through up front as well as in the middle and finish. The fermentation character of this medium-bodied brew is quite clean, allowing the hop flavors to be the star of the show. The finish is moderately dry, preparing the palate well for the next sip. While this is a moderately strong brew (around 8.0% ABV), the alcohol is very well hidden.

This is a very nice hop flavor-centric Double IPA. Definitely not a bitterness bomb or palate destroyer, the balance of this brew makes it a quite approachable example of the style.
