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Dan Martich

Dan Martich's picture
Beer Judge

Drawn to craft beer since the early 90s. He's been homebrewing for over 25 years, and a National BJCP judge for over 10.  Dan calls himself the "beer hound", because finding good beer on his travels is what makes his tail wag.

Becoming a BJCP judge solidified his interest in craft beer, and improved the quality of his homebrews. He's enthusiastic about beer competitions, and has won many awards including a Gold Medal at the National Homebrew Competition.  He has served as a proctor, translator and exam grader for the BJCP.

My reviews


Baxter Beer Pamola Session Ale
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
20 / 24
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

This beer pours golden and clear. It exhibits a thick appearance; a white foamy head crowns it with a long lasting retention. A small string of bubbles in the glass is seen rising to the top. The aroma of medium low bready, doughy, and cracker-like Pilsner malt character welcomes you. Then there... Read More
