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Nelson Crowle's picture

Blah Blah Blah IPA

July, 2016
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This beer pours a slightly hazy deep gold with a large ivory head of fine bubbles. The head sticks around for a while, and leaves a bit of lacing on the sides of the glass. Initially, the aroma is tropical with notes of mango and strawberry, with a supporting malt backbone that is bready with a touch of toast. As the beer warms, the malt profile becomes a bit more prominent with flavors of bread crusts and a bit of honey taking precedence, and the hop flavor is tropical, leaning more towards perfumy, strawberry and tangerine. This beer conveys a clean fermentation and substantial alcohol warmth, and, coupled with substantial bittering, is almost balanced by the malt. Finishes crisp and dry with a medium body and moderate carbonation. Overall, this is a very well balanced beer for the style, with bitterness, hops and malt all expressing themselves with nothing too overpowering or in your face. An excellent beer that would be equally at home with a sweet and flavorful Chinese Hoisin chicken or an oily bratwurst.
