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Nelson has been judging and rating beers (over 20,000) for 30 years and is always interested in trying beers he hasn’t had before. A homebrewer for 40 years, Nelson has brewed all 154 sub-styles from the BJCP 2021 guidelines, along with historical and extinct beers, to learn more about the beer styles and the thought process of the brewers behind them. He is active in judging, entering, and running beer competitions and is a BJCP National Judge as well as a BJCP Mead Judge and BJCP Cider Judge.
22nd Anniversary Imperial IPA by Coronado Brewing Co. was evaluated as a BJCP 2015 22A (Double IPA). Pours a very hazy yellowish light gold with a large poofy white head of tiny bubbles that sticks around for a while and slowly fades. The initial aroma is tropical fruit (passion fruit and... Read More
pFriem Mexican-Style Lager by pFriem Family Brewers was evaluated as BJCP2015 2A International Pale Lager. Pours a beautiful, brilliantly clear, light yellowish straw color with a large white head of tiny bubbles that is persistent. Aroma is moderately grainy with a slight perfumy floral note.... Read More
A beautiful, brilliantly clear amber with a medium-sized head of tiny beige bubbles leaving a little Belgian lacing as the beer goes down. Aroma is more pumpkin pie spice than pumpkin, but some actual pumpkin notes seem to be there too. Spicy aroma notes of allspice, light cinnamon, a bit of... Read More
Tremor California Citrus Wheat by Seismic Brewing Co. was evaluated as a BJCP 2021 Category, 29A Fruit Beer with the underlying style of Category 1D American Wheat Beer.
The beer pours with a large white head of tiny bubbles, which is persistent. There is a slight haziness (common for... Read More
Lots of toasty bread crusts, a light smoky character and a bunch of nuttiness presents itself in the aroma. Almost brilliantly clear and a beautiful deep amber with a nice large beige head that is persistent and leaves some lace. More black pepper and spicy notes in the aroma. The taste echoes... Read More
Pours an almost clear deep mahogany brown and a large tan head of tiny bubbles - very visually appealing. The head hangs around for a while leaving a bit of Belgian lace. All kinds of things going on in the aroma here - it's bready, a bit grainy, there are black raisins and toffee with some... Read More