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Nelson has been judging and rating beers (over 20,000) for 30 years and is always interested in trying beers he hasn’t had before. A homebrewer for 40 years, Nelson has brewed all 154 sub-styles from the BJCP 2021 guidelines, along with historical and extinct beers, to learn more about the beer styles and the thought process of the brewers behind them. He is active in judging, entering, and running beer competitions and is a BJCP National Judge as well as a BJCP Mead Judge and BJCP Cider Judge.
Valley Of Gold by Wild Heaven Beer was evaluated as BJCP 2021 style 24A, Belgian Pale Ale. The beer pours a slightly hazy medium gold (a bit light and a bit hazy for style) with a large head of small and medium ivory-colored bubbles that fades to a persistent layer of tiny-bubbled foam. The... Read More
Pours a beautiful, very clear, red-tinted deep mahogany with a medium head of fine, light tan bubbles that stays around. A nice caramel character with floral and woody notes leads the charge in the aroma, and a bit of honeydew melon is also apparent along with some clean ethanol and a bit of... Read More
Gouden Carolus Cuvée Van De Keizer Rood by Brouwerij Het Anker was evaluated as style 25A (Belgian Blond) per the 2021 BJCP Style guidelines.
The beer pours a slightly hazy light gold with a large fluffy ivory head that is persistent and leaves Belgian lace as the beer is consumed. There... Read More
Miami Weisse was evaluated as a German Wheat Beer (BJCP 2015 Style 10A, Weissbier, also known as a Hefeweizen). Pours a very hazy yellowish gold with a big poofy white head of small bubbles which dissipates very quickly leaving no Belgian lace. The aroma is a very strong overripe banana with a... Read More
Evaluated as a Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer (BJCP2015 30A) with the underlying style of British Brown Ale (BJCP2015 13B). Pours an almost clear deep brown with a moussy light tan head of tiny bubbles that is persistent and leaves light Belgian lace on the glass. Hazelnut comes across nicely in the... Read More
Druif - 2018 Vintage by pFriem Family Brewers is being evaluated as BJCP style 33B (Specialty Wood Aged Beer) with underlying style of Belgian Blond (25A), aged in a Riesling barrel. Pours a hazy gold with a small head of tiny white bubbles that fades quickly. Initial aroma is moderate apricot... Read More