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Ratings & Awards Seals


Ratings & Awards Seals

You’ve Earned It. Now Promote It!

Nothing helps your brewery and beer or cider brands stand out more than the consumer and industry trusted ratings and awards from The Beer Connoisseur’s Official Review.

Consumers are eighteen times more likely to choose a brand that has an independent rating or award displayed on labels or packaging when shopping in retail stores.

Showcase your achievements by applying our ratings and awards medals and seals across your brand’s sales, advertising and branding portfolio. 

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Creative Assets > Download Packages (Google Drive)

Packages for AI, EPS, PDF, PNG and fonts.

The Beer Connoisseur® logo and magazine creative assets are available here.

Email us: editorial (at) beerconnoisseur (dot) com

Ratings & Awards Options

Medals (with and without ribbons) and vertical seals are available for World Class, Exceptional and Very Good beer and cider ratings, “Best Beers of the Year” awards and “Best Breweries of the Year” awards.

The two design variations are made available to provide flexibility based on your creative needs.

Medals and seals are available for the following ratings and awards:

Product Ratings
World Class (100-96)
Exceptional (95-91)
Very Good (90-86)

Product Awards
Best Beer of the Year and/or #1 Rated Beer of the Year
#2 Rated Beer through #10 Rated Beer of the Year
Top 10 Beers of the Year
Top 25 Beers of the Year
Top 50 Beers of the Year
Top 100 Beers of the Year
Top 150 Beers of the Year

Brewery Awards
Best Brewery of the Year
First Runner-Up
Second Runner-Up

2 Artwork Styles
Medals (with and without ribbons) & Vertical Seal


The Beer Connoisseur's Ratings Medals

The Beer Connoisseur's Ratings Medals with Ribbons

The Beer Connoisseur's Ratings Medals with Ribbons #2

The Beer Connoisseur's Ratings Vertical Seals



Medals & Seals Downloads Available

The Beer Connoisseur's Awards Medals

The Beer Connoisseur's Awards Medals with Ribbons

The Beer Connoisseur's Awards Medals with Ribbons #2

The Beer Connoisseur's Awards Vertical Seals

The Beer Connoisseur's Awards Vertical Seals #2

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