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Press Release Distribution & News Service

Submit your press releases and news to The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online and receive a world of exposure to our consumer, industry and media audience.

Submit your press releases and news articles for publication and distribution in The Beer Connoisseur's online industry news section. Boasting a daily readership of over 50,000 industry professionals and an annual readership of 8 million, we stand as a leading, trusted authority for global business information across sectors including beer, beverages, cannabis, food, finance, gambling, and gaming.

How will your press releases and news be published and distributed?

  • Press releases are converted to website news articles at and optimized for SEO with up to four DoFollow backlinks (2.2MM page views annually)
  • Beverage, food and cannabis industry press releases are published in our Monday Industry News editorial eNewsletters (broadcast to 55k paid and opt-in subscribers)
  • Press releases are published to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google News and other .rss aggregators (120k total followers)



Our readers are a healthy mix of consumers and industry professionals wanting to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends.

Who reads our news?

  • Beer & Beverage-Intrigued Consumers
  • Beer, Beverage & Brewing Industry Professional
  • Beverage Retailers, Distributors & Suppliers
  • Food & Beverage Industry Professional
  • Cannabis, Gambling and Sports Industry Professionals
  • Cannabis, Gambling and Sports-Intrigued Consumers
  • Media, Journalists & Social Media Influencers


The Beer Connoisseur® Magazine & Online New Service

The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online is read 8-million times annually across all of our publishing platforms.

Website Traffic 
2.2 million unique page views annually

Daily Editorial eNewsletters

  • 10 themed weekly eNewsletters
  • 55,000 paid & opt-in subscribers per eNewsletter
  • 12,000 daily opens
  • 3.6 million annual opens

Social Media  - 2 Million Annual Impressions

Twitter - 32,000 followers
Facebook - 49,000 followers
Instagram - 22,000 followers 
Pinterest -  5,500 views monthly
LinkedIn - 9,000 followers (all accounts)

Annual Print Magazine
10,000 copies, 23,000 readers


Press releases must be written in a press release format. Blogs, articles and stories will not be accepted.

Purchase a distribution option below, and then email your press release to our editorial department at: [email protected]

Include a note to the editors that you have purchased a press release option.


1 Press Release, $95.00

  • 1 press release distributed across all channels
  • Include up to 2 content dofollow links and up to 4 company links

2 Press Releases, $175.00

  • 2 press releases distributed across all channels
  • Include up to 2 content dofollow links and up to 4 company links

3 Press Releases, $225.00

  • 3 press releases distributed across all channels
  • Include up to 2 content dofollow links and up to 4 company links
