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Nelson Crowle's picture


December, 2015
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Sporting brilliant clarity and a beautiful, light copper color, Holidale 2015 also features a nice, large head of tiny, light tan bubbles that looks very inviting. The initial aroma is fairly light with bready, floral notes and just a slight hint of bourbon. The first sip of this beer brings out all the great qualities – there are golden raisins, honey, caramel, and a floral, almost perfumy, flavor. As the beer warms, these sweet flavors blend very nicely with a stronger bourbon whiskey flavor than in the aroma and slight notes of vanilla. The warmth also brings out some background citrus notes that lend depth and complexity to this beer. There is a substantial but clean alcohol that provides a warming sensation with a fruity and bourbon-y aftertaste. The bourbon notes, although substantial, are well-balanced and don't come across overtly. This is a snifter beer – drink it slowly and let it open up to you as it warms. Although this would go great with honey-barbecued chicken, it stands just fine with no food – or maybe just a jar of macadamia nuts. Get more than one bottle of this, and keep some to age.