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Nelson Crowle's picture

Dorado Double IPA

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This is one huge hoppy knock-your-socks-off double IPA that will melt the enamel off your teeth!  Both aroma and flavor are very spicy with loads of black pepper. There is a light grainy malt backbone – slightly toasty, with a little bit of bread crusts, but the star of the show is the hop flavor: resinous and piney domination, some woody and rustic character, and a perfumy / grassy aromatic flavor finish.

The finish is long and spicy – very dry with substantial alcohol warming – but not harsh. Bittering is immense – maybe just a bit too high, causing a slight distraction from the juicy hop flavors. There are very low fruity notes in both the flavor and aroma with background tropical fruit.

This beer is for the serious hop head – probably best to drink between food courses so that you can get the full hop experience.
