Motorworks Brewing Releases Beer Hand Sanitizer for the Coronavirus with Dark Door Spirits,h=623

Motorworks Brewing in Bradenton, Florida has released a hand sanitizer made from beer with Dark Door Spirits to help people clean their hands in order to avoid the COVID-19. Full details from Motorworks are below.

Bradenton, Fla. (March 18th, 2020) –  Bradenton’s Motorworks Brewing and Tampa’s Dark Door Spirits have joined forces again, this time to make hand sanitizer.

In 2019 the 2 companies collaborated on an American whiskey “Eye of Midnight” that was created by distilling Motorworks’ award winning Midnight Espresso Coffee Porter. The companies were already working on their next project, an American whiskey and a Gin created from Motorworks flagship “Pulp Friction” grapefruit IPA when the COVID-19 pandemic led to a global shortage of hand sanitizer. With the recent FDA announcement of a policy temporarily allowing the compounding of certain alcohol based hand sanitizer products to meet Public health emergency needs (21 CFS 10.115 (g)(2), the two companies quickly procured some aloe and shifted some of the high proof alcohol created from distilling Pulp Friction to create hand sanitizer. Madelyn and CJ Schmidt of HIT promotional products (Largo FL) graciously donated some needed funding to begin the manufacturing process. The finished product is going to be donated to first responders, nursing homes, and the general public (1 per person, available for pickup at Motorworks Brewing during their hours for To Go Beer/liquor/merchandise sales (noon-7pm daily). Contact Dark Door Spirits [email protected] directly for information about pick-up at their location. If you or your company are interested in donating funds, materials please contact [email protected]