Rollcage Red

Motorworks Brewing,h=489

Red IPA | Year-Round | United States

Jim Koebel's picture

By Jim Koebel

Judges Rating: 93
Aroma: 21
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 38
Mouthfeel: 9
Overall Impression: 19

This appropriately red Red IPA pours very clear with an off-white head; this is a very pretty beer. It smells hoppy, bready and clean. The hop aromas are piney and earthy – a very West Coast feel. This beer’s flavor is similar but with a marked hop spiciness in the finish that lingers. Inside of the mouth-coating hoppiness are caramel and bread malt flavors that lend a sturdy backbone to the mouthfeel. This beer has moderately high carbonation and finishes dry and warm. This hearty Red Ale is proof that beer drinkers don’t have to choose between malt and hops when it comes to enjoyable brews.