C & A Veltins Grevensteiner Original

Brauerei C & A Veltins


Amber Kellerbier | Year-Round | Germany

Lyn Howard's picture

By Lyn Howard

Judges Rating: 92
Aroma: 23
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 37
Mouthfeel: 8
Overall Impression: 18

C. & A. Veltins Grevensteiner Original is a throwback to the brewery’s origins and it was evaluated as a BJCP category 7E, Amber Kellerbier. The aroma of this beer is a rich with nutty, toasty, sweet malt notes up front and a very low level of grassy, hay-like hop accent in the rear. It pours with a beautiful deep amber color, that is mildly hazy and topped off with a small bubbled white head that persists around the edge of the glass. As is typical of an amber kellerbier, the flavor has a bold, toasty, sweet melanoidin (biscuit and honey) malt character with a slightly peppery, hop flavor and a moderately low hop bitterness. It is definitively malt-balanced, with a medium dry finish and a light hop flavor that lingers to the end. The alcohol is smooth, yet apparent – the medium carbonation makes the mouthfeel is a little prickly on the tongue, however there is no astringency and the medium-light body makes it an inviting beverage to sip and savor. It is easy drinking and would make a delicious accompaniment to richly flavored sausages and cheese.