Judge’s Review: 87 Rating – Diabolical by North Peak Brewing Co.

North Peak Brewing Co.


American IPA | Year-Round | United States

Lyn Howard's picture

By Lyn Howard

Judges Rating: 87
Aroma: 21
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 35
Mouthfeel: 7
Overall Impression: 18

North Peak Brewing Company’s Diabolical India Pale Ale was judged as a BJCP category 21A American IPA. The aroma is unique combinations of citrus, mango, melon fruitiness blended with a healthy dose of pine, and then the alcohol hits. There are light sugary malt accents in the rear but the nose is primarily hops and alcohol.  It is a crystal clear, golden yellow color and pours with a creamy off-white hear that creates lacing on the sides of the glass. The flavor is hop forward with an assertive resin, piney with only hints of the honeydew melon fruitiness that presents itself in the nose. It has an assertive, tongue-raking bitterness and a slightly grainy, husky malt quality that settle into a dry, tea-like astringent finish. The alcohol is as apparent in the flavor as it is in the aroma. With a medium body and medium-low carbonation, this very assertively hopped IPA is not for the faint of heart. It would likely pair well with soft creamy cheeses or anything fried.