Judge’s Review: 94 Rating – Here Comes the Sun by Monday Night Brewing
Monday Night Brewing
Specialty IPA | Limited Release | United States

By Sal Mortillaro II
Judges Rating: 94
Aroma: 23
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 37
Mouthfeel: 10
Overall Impression: 18
Here Comes the Sun by Monday Night Brewing is being judged as a New England IPA (Category 21B) according to the BJCP Guidelines.
This beer pours a medium-gold color with an opaque haze. A bone white, spongy head of tiny white bubbles quickly falls and leaves a lacing on the glass as this beer is imbibed. This beer has an aroma that is gentle yet complex. A medium-low aroma of peach, tropical notes, light pine and the occasional wisp of strawberry are present. No malt aroma is detectable as the hops really take the stage here. A soft, low bitterness from the hops with a medium hop flavor of peach, tropical notes and light pine are noted in the aroma with a touch of lime and low coconut being the center of attention in the flavor. A very light honey malt-like flavor with low malt sweetness is present in this beer. As the beer fades after the swallow, a medium-low bitterness manifests with slightly grassy, and a tropical lime character is left in the finish. This beer is medium-bodied with medium carbonation. This beer is extremely creamy across the tongue and eminently drinkable as a result. No astringency is noted, and there is a very light alcohol warmth. Overall, the interesting choice of hops for the hop schedule creates a unique and interesting NEIPA. This beer’s flavor is still soft, but with enough complexity to keep the drink interested for the next sip.
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