Judge’s Review: 87 Rating – Here We Go Hazy IPA by Kit NA Brewing Co.

Kit NA Brewing


Hazy IPA | Year-Round | USA

Dan Martich's picture

By Dan Martich

Judges Rating: 87
Aroma: 20
Appearance: 6
Flavor: 35
Mouthfeel: 10
Overall Impression: 16

Here We Go Hazy IPA by Kit NA Brewing Co. is being evaluated as a Hazy IPA (Category 21C) per the 2021 BJCP Style guidelines. 
This opens with moderately high aromas of pine, floral and tangerine fruity notes. This is followed up by a low degree of grainy malt in the background. At times the hop character is herbal and dank.
The beer poured a hazy, straw yellow color with a fine tight white head.
There are plenty of flavor hop characteristics of tangerine, and a small amount of pineapple intermingled with piney and floral hops. While the malt is secondary and barely detectable, this beer is definitely balanced toward the hops, which also showcase its drinkability. The finish is very dry, with a moderately high degree of bitterness; this isn’t a juice bomb – it’s a firm example of a hazy IPA without the added sweetness.
This is medium-bodied with high carbonation making the mouthfeel seem fuller on the palate. It is absent of astringency and warming alcohols.
A very good beer to savor. An IPA that doesn’t push the alcoholic nature that one would normally associate with hazy IPAs. A beer that has a lot of drinkability, which is surprising given the fact that it is a non-alcoholic brew. Definitely a great choice for a non-alcoholic brew, and a welcome addition to the ever-growing list of products that contain no alcohol in today’s marketplace.