Side Bae Double IPA: Sabro Cryo

Wild Leap Brew Co.,h=489

Double IPA
Limited Release
United States

Judges Ratings 94

Aroma: 23 / 24
Flavor: 36 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 10 / 10
Overall Impression: 19 / 20


Super small batch IPA brewed with experimental malt formulas and Sabro Cryo hops.

Beverage Profile

ABV: 7.60%
Served at: ()
Hops: Sabro Cryo

Judges Review

Sean Coughlin picture

By Sean Coughlin

Judges Ratings 94

Aroma: 23 / 24 / 24
Flavor: 36 / 40 / 40
Appearance: 6 / 6 / 6
Mouthfeel: 10 / 10 / 10
Overall Impression: 19 / 20 / 20

Sabro Cryo by Wild Leap Brew Co. is being evaluated as a Double IPA (2021 BJCP Guidelines Category 22A).

Hops are bright and fresh within the beer’s aroma. The hop aroma could be a bit more prominent for this style but what is present is both complex and inviting: hibiscus, freshly cut pineapple, tangerine and a bit of coconut shavings as it warms.

The beer pours with a soft pillow-like froth of white foam atop a very hazy dark straw-colored body.The head falls rather quickly for the style but doesn’t completely vanish.

The flavor follows the aroma with a big punch of tropical fruit up front. Hop bitterness seems a bit restrained for a DIPA, but this arguably offers greater drinkability and a more pleasant mouthfeel. Any malt flavors do an excellent job of staying in the background and letting the hops steal the show. This beer appropriately finishes on the drier side and has a very clean fermentation footprint.

While the hop aroma and flavor are impressive, the real star of the show in this beer is the mouthfeel. Zero hop-derived astringency, no warming alcohol and a general softness on the palate make this beer a pleasure to drink.

Overall, a fantastic beer that somewhat straddles the line between IPA and double IPA. It is definitely on the tame side for a double IPA especially in the areas of bitterness and alcohol warmth. For those that prefer the juicy/hazy/New England approach to modern IPA, this beer checks all the boxes and is worth seeking out.

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