Pilar Holland: Crafty Celebrity Stories


Actress Pilar Holland joins The Beer Connoisseur for the next installment of Crafty Celebrity Stories, which features the best tales of ale (and more) from leading actors, celebrities and persons of interest.

Holland has a varied filmography, having starred in multiple television series, including a 2017 episode of Grey’s Anatomy, a 2016 episode of NCIS, a 2015 episode of Supergirl and a 2012 episode of Scandal. Holland is also slated to appear in an upcoming untitled film from Noah Baumbach.

Beer drinkers like to laugh. What’s the funniest drinking story you can share with us?
My girlfriends and I enjoy brunches. One day, we went all in and brunch turned into dinner, which turned into an interactive dance party sponsored by the soundtrack of La La Land. We started at noon, out and about on the town, and stayed up drinking and dancing in my girlfriend’s living room until the sun came up around 6am – no drugs involved, I swear! We get carried away with ourselves. We love being in each other’s company and love reenacting the dance numbers in La La Land. We were jumping and running across the couches doing high kicks to “Another Day of Sun.” LOL! We’re all kids at heart and that was some of the most fun I’ve ever had. 

Who is the coolest person you’ve had a beer with?
My dad is the coolest person I’ve had a beer with. I’m his date every year at his holiday work party for Costco. That’s usually the only time he’ll have a beer and it’s always a Corona. We always have the best time. He’s been so supportive over the years and we’ve begun building a deeper relationship recently. I’m getting to know the man behind the curtain. I invite you all to do the same with your loved ones. The time is now. Don’t wait any longer to create authentic, deep connections with those around you, and if it’s with a beer in hand, even better!

What are a few of your favorite craft beers and why?
One of my favorite craft beers is Einstök’s Icelandic White Ale. I’ve been a big fan of wheat ales for years. I enjoy them for their spice and fruit, though I’m beginning to gravitate more towards hoppy beers these days. My tastes are evolving and changing. I’m not sure what my favorite craft beers are yet but I’m exploring and open to suggestions. 

Do you have a favorite (craft) brewery or breweries and why?
Hangar 24 Craft Brewing is my favorite brewery. I love their Orange Wheat of course. They are also from my hometown of the Inland Empire. I have a lot of family in Redlands, and I love that I can support a local brewery that I truly enjoy. 

What projects do you have brewing?
I have a YouTube show called L.A. Happy, where we brew “Happy!!” It’s a show about eliminating the happy hour search one bar at a time. My best friend and co-host, Katina Nikou, and I have so much fun exploring new areas and new restaurants, meeting new people and trying new food and drinks all for YOU!  We invite you to join us for the happiest hours of the day as we explore L.A. for the best happy hour!

Follow Pilar:

Instagram: @pilarholland
Twitter: @pilarholland
Website: https://www.lahappyshow.com/