Home Schooling is on the Rise – Why?

Learn about the reasons behind the shift from brick-and-mortar learning for children to home schooling, from remote work and travel to accommodating different learning styles and managing chronic health conditions. Understand how homeschooling networks ensure socialization as well as what the future of education might look like.


Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of children in the United States attended traditional brick-and-mortar schools, whether public or private. The pandemic, however, introduced a significant shift in education as children adapted to digital learning, engaging in virtual classrooms with their teachers and peers. It was widely assumed that once the pandemic subsided and schools reopened, students would eagerly return to the social environment of their classrooms. While most did, a notable minority did not.

Instead, many parents chose to homeschool their children, joining a growing community of like-minded families. Between 2018 and 2023, homeschooling in the US increased by 51%, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. Let’s explore the key reasons behind this shift.

1. Embracing a Nomadic Lifestyle

The rise of remote work has enabled many families to travel, providing their children with unique experiences while maintaining a standard school curriculum. Young families, in particular, are purchasing RVs and exploring the country, blending education with adventure.

2. Religious or Moral Considerations

Some parents object to certain aspects of the standard public school curriculum. In the absence of nearby private religious schools or the financial means to afford tuition, these parents opt for faith-based curriculums available for home or online learning.

3. Negative School Experiences

Bullying can have severe impacts on a child’s mental health, especially for those who are not heteronormative or come from diverse family backgrounds. Homeschooling provides a safe and supportive environment, with many parents forming support groups to ensure their children feel accepted and understood. Single parents can also find an awesome dating app to find other parents in their situation.

4. Accommodating Different Learning Styles

Traditional classrooms often struggle to meet the needs of children with different learning styles. For instance, children with ADHD may require frequent breaks due to their inability to remain focused for long periods. Homeschooling offers the flexibility needed to accommodate these unique learning requirements.

5. Supporting Child Prodigies

Child prodigies in fields such as art, music, athletics, and STEM need the freedom to pursue their passions without the constraints of a traditional school schedule. Homeschooling allows these children to balance their educational and extracurricular commitments effectively.

6. Overcoming Geographical Challenges

Families living in remote areas may face long commutes to the nearest school. With the right technology, homeschooling becomes a practical solution, providing access to online learning opportunities. Even urban parents may find the daily commute to a good school inconvenient, making homeschooling an attractive alternative.

7. Addressing Individual Learning Paces

In a standard classroom, it’s challenging for teachers to cater to the individualized learning needs of all students. Children who grasp concepts quickly often find themselves waiting for others to catch up, while those who need more time can feel rushed. Homeschooling allows parents to tailor the pace and style of learning to their child’s needs.

8. Managing Chronic Health Conditions

Children with chronic medical issues often miss significant amounts of school, making it difficult to keep up with their peers. Homeschooling offers a flexible schedule that accommodates their health needs, reducing stress and anxiety associated with falling behind.

Addressing Socialization Concerns

A common concern about homeschooling is the lack of socialization opportunities. However, homeschooling parents have created extensive networks, organizing field trips, social activities, sports, and other events to ensure their children develop essential social skills and build lasting friendships.

The Future of Education

The landscape of education is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing societal needs. While it’s hard to predict exactly what the future holds, it’s clear that traditional schooling will continue to transform, offering diverse and flexible learning options for all students.

As homeschooling becomes more prevalent, understanding the motivations behind this choice can help educators and policymakers support families in providing the best possible education for their children.