Why Should You Avoid Drinking Beer While Gambling?
Head to pretty much any casino in the world, and if they spot you spending a little bit of money, they are going to throw a ton of free alcoholic drinks in your direction. They aren’t really doing this out of the goodness of their hearts either. Oh no. It is because drinking can have a major impact on how much you gamble. In fact, it can lead to you making worse decisions.
If you are going to be taking advantage of promotions from Kiwigambler, we suggest that you do it without a beer in your hand. Let us explain why.
You lose the ability to think rationally
We are 100% positive that there isn’t a sober person out there that can honestly claim that they make better decisions when they are drunk. We are positive that it is something that a lot of drunk people say, but it isn’t true.
If you are drinking heavily, you will make poor decisions. It isn’t going to be the sort of poor decision where you would rather choose Fosters over any other beer, though. Oh no. It is going to be poor decisions that can cost you a ton of cash.
A lot of gambling does rely on luck. That is true. You can’t really influence the way in which the slot machines work, and you can’t really change how the ball bounces around a roulette table. The rational decision is knowing when to walk away from a game. A rational decision is knowing when you are beat.
If you drink alcohol while gambling online, we can assure you that it will cost you money. You will get into that frame of mind of ‘just one more spin’, and it won’t be too long before you have tapped into the cash you need to pay your rent, mortgage, and food.
Your memory is impacted when you drink
We have likely all suffered a bit of memory loss when we have had a drink. We are sure that there is barely a reader here that hasn’t woken up with the memory of the previous night somewhat foggy.
That memory loss isn’t just an ‘in the morning’ thing, though. Once you have a few drinks inside of you, your memory is going to start playing games. You will struggle to keep track of what you have been spending, how much you have lost, etc. This may result in you thinking that your gambling session was a bit more successful than it actually was. Again, this is likely to result in you gambling a whole lot more.
Drinking leads to gambling addiction
Back in 2019, an English university carried out an interesting study. They found that those that drank while they gambled were more likely to chase their losses. Those that were given a placebo did not.
There is some speculation that drinking can lead to problem gambling. As we all know, alcohol can lead to the release of dopamine. This is something that can make you feel fantastic about yourself.
Gambling can also lead to the release of dopamine when you win.
This means that your body starts to get addicted to that dopamine release. It wants it. This results in you not only craving the drink but the excitement that you get when you win a game too.
It is no secret that many of the problem gamblers at online gambling sites are problem drinkers.
You gamble for longer
This is more of a problem in land-based casinos rather than online casinos. However, some people have reported that when they gamble and drink, they start to lose track of the hours.
Obviously, the more hours you are gambling, the more likely you are to make sizeable losses.
Final Word
Never gamble and drink. Ever. It is fine to enjoy both of them separately, in moderation. However, when you combine the two vices, you are just asking for trouble.
We are not saying that there is anything wrong with gambling. We get that it can be fun to play at some of the better online Kiwi casinos. Just make sure that you aren’t doing it with a beer in your hand. You will lose a lot more than you expected.
Header Image Courtesy Flickr/Leonid Mamchenkov
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