5 Best Online Drinking Games with Beer to Play Over Zoom



Just because you’re not physically with your friend group does not mean you all can’t have fun together. Thankfully, in this age of technology, where people even get married online, anything is possible. Playing drinking games, hanging out and just having all the fun has just been made possible through Zoom! The best part? You don’t have to leave the house.

There are so many drinking games, and in this article, you will find only the best 5, curated carefully to give you and your friends the best online experience you have ever had.

So when next you’re missing your friends and craving the interaction and belly laugh that comes with being together with them, all you have to do is power up your device, take out a bottle of beer, and play these games!

Never Have I Ever

Every student probably knows this game, as some of the hottest tea has been spilled while playing this. The rules are easy: one person mentions an event or idea they’ve never done, and every other person who has done it has to take a drink.

This is inarguably one of the most fun games to play online and offline, as it gives you a lot to talk about without the need to restart the game. In this game, you will unearth many dirty and funny secrets like the one time Tom made money from the best payout online casino in Canada, or the one time Jessica dated two friends at the same time!

Most Likely To

This is another game that is popular amongst young folks. Like Never Have I Ever, you don’t need any equipment or cards to play this game, and the rules are super easy.

The more people available, the merrier the game would be.

Here is the rule: Taking turns, one person would ask the entire group who is most likely to do something. The group gets to pick, and whoever they think is the most likely to would have to take a drink.

This is a game guaranteed to push everyone into a burst of laughter more than a few times, and it helps strengthen the bond of friendship between the group.

The Celebrity Game

Not everyone might know this, but it doesn’t make it less interesting. It requires fast thinking and is sure to keep everyone on the edge of their toes.

Here is the rule: The first player opens the floor by naming a celebrity. The next player must then name a celebrity whose first name begins with the first letter of the last name of the celebrity player one called. Any player who can’t name a celebrity within the set time frame would then have to take a drink.

Scavenger Hunt

This is another interesting game you can play with your friends on Zoom. Like the Celebrity game, it is not quite popular, but you will love it once you get the hang of it.

Here is the rule: As a group, you should all agree to pick a template that contains a list of random household items. When everyone has agreed on this template, then the game can start.

On each round, all players would be asked to retrieve one of these items. The first player back to the screen wins, and they have the liberty to pick whoever they choose to drink. Automatically, the last person to return to the screen must also take a drink.


This is another fast-paced game you can play with your friends on Zoom. Best part? Asides from the obvious fun you will have, you get to learn while at it!

The rule is simple: The first player says a word, and the next player must list the synonyms. As each turn progresses, every player must list the word’s synonyms, and a round stops when a player stutters or repeats the same word. Such a player has to take a sip, then start another round with a new word.


Playing online drinking games is a way to spend ample time with friends and family while simultaneously strengthening the bond between you. Never let distance come between you and your favorites again. Play these games, and have a fun-filled day!