Which Beer Type is Right for You?
Beer is for every occasion. In addition to being ideal for both regular events and extraordinary ones, beer is also both light and dark or sour and sweet.
On average, a person, ideally men, consumes 22 to 23 gallons of beer annually, which generates a demand for 200 million barrels across the US.
You can’t deny that beer is still quite popular, irrespective of the fact of how much you consume. As a result, the urge to consume a beer that won’t harm your health has also increased. At the same time, there are some studies that show that beer also has some positive health benefits. Finding the greatest beer might be difficult because of the continued growth of craft beer, which is also multiplying like never before.
As you crack open a cold one with the boys and have a fun round of poker on Fair go casino login your first thought might not be which beer is healthiest for you.
That’s why we’re here today. Read on to figure out which beer is the healthiest and which is the right beer for you. Following are the four types of healthier beers, along with their health benefits.
Gluten-Free Beer:
Most Americans prefer taking a gluten-free diet. A gluten-free diet is a diet that is free from grains. Such diet helps in staying protected and recovering from Celiac disease. Celiac disease is a gastrointestinal disease that leads to cancer if ignored.
The Lakefront Brewery’s New Grist, a well-known pale gold beer, is one delectable example of a gluten-free brew. This beer is made with rice and molasses-grown gluten-free yeast. It was also the first beer whose gluten-free label had been approved.
The good part is that interest in gluten-free beer has steadily increased over the past several years, especially in the USA. However, finding gluten-free beer may be difficult, depending on where you reside.
If by any chance, you are not able to find a gluten-free beer in the nearest supermarket, you can always ask the town’s craft beer store and get one on special order if they do not have a certified selection of gluten-free beers.
Brain-healthy beer:
Scientist from Boston has confirmed that drinking beer is healthy for the brain. A glass of beer boosts the functionality of a human brain. The reason is that beer thins the blood in the body and prevents the formation of blood clots, which results in stroke.
To study the relationship between beer and brain functioning, a study was conducted in which a total of 3000 participants took part. The study concluded that the number of brain strokes in light to moderate drinkers was less than in those who were not drinking any type of beer or wine.
Additionally, moderate beer drinking may enhance your mental wellness. It’s thought that moderate beer consumption can aid in lessening anxiety and despair. In particular, select the type of beers that are high in iron, Vitamin B protein, niacin, riboflavin, and magnesium. These potent chemicals, along with others that support emotional well-being, are already present in the majority of beers.
However, there shall be a balanced. Beer is good for health, but only if a moderate amount is consumed. For instance, 14 glasses in a week. Too much alcohol or beer consumption can also lead to severe depression and anxiety.
Heart-friendly beer:
Just like the brain, beer also is good for the heart. Our tongues like the taste of beer, and our hearts like its health benefits.
According to a study from 2012, “moderate beer consumption is related to lower cardiovascular risk.” Researchers came to the conclusion that the phenols, which are natural antioxidants contained in many types of beer, were responsible for the research participants’ enhanced cardiac function.
Guinness Draught is consumed widely. This ultra-dark staple offers the flavor and feels of a stout with fewer calories and carbohydrates since it is packed with antioxidant phenols.
Again, beer or alcohol thins the blood, which makes it easy for the heart to take in and pump the blood throughout the body. So responsible beer consumption leads to a healthy heart.
Beers like Left Hand Good Juju, Yuengling Light Lager, and Abita Purple Haze have the greatest phenol amounts. Yuengling has a rich flavor and is low in calories.
Real raspberries are added to Abita’s brew, which lessens the bitterness that certain ales have. The berries additionally increase the antioxidant content of your beverage, which, one would assume, increases the number of heart-healthy advantages. Even though beer can be delicious, it is still just fermented wheat juice; thus, not everyone enjoys the taste.
A standard Yuengling Light Lager glass has 99 calories, yet it still has phenolic health advantages.
Hangover-free beer:
Usually, people do not consume beer because they want to enjoy the hangover they could get the following day. Now, you might love beer, but you’re gonna hate the headache the next morning if you drink too much. As it turns out, there might be an answer.
An Australian scientist has announced that they have come up with a hangover-free beer. They have added electrolytes to the beer. This kind of beer will soon be available in the market.
According to researchers, adding electrolytes and lowering the alcohol content in beer can help you stay hydrated and prevent hangovers. Griffith University scientists investigated by adding electrolytes to two well-known but nameless beers. They dubbed one of them “full strength” (4.8% ABV), whereas the other was light (2.3% ABV).
They attempted to determine which sort of beer would help individuals restore their fluids by giving the enhanced beer to participants who had recently completed a strenuous activity. They discovered that the electrolyte-added light beer was “particularly successful in rehydrating” the participants.
Which beer is right for you?
Though many studies conclude that consuming a moderate amount of beer is healthy, it does not mean that it shall replace your super-healthy foods. The healthier food shall remain there on your dining table, along with beer. Remember! Your body, especially your brain and heart, still needs other healthier things. Beer only makes the blood thin so that blood clotting can be avoided.
If you are a heart patient, heart-friendly beers like Guinness Draught, Yuengling Light Lager, and Abita are for you. But you cannot take a beer right after taking medicine. In the same way, if you want to lose weight, beer is not for you. All kinds of gluten-free beer are recommended for staying fit.
“There is a variety of excellent beers available in the market, and it’s fun to explore the wide varieties and special ingredients of the region.” Why stick to just one kind? Tasting and trying new beers to find what suits you is part of the fun!
The key point to remember is that beer needs to be consumed responsibly to gain health benefits. Though the term “moderation” is used for beer consumption, the actual meaning of “moderation” is different for different people.
A typical study suggests that a moderate amount of beer does not exceed more than 14 standard glasses in a week. Again, this number varies per person. If you are drinking more than that and still healthy and active, this figure can fluctuate between 12 to 20- just however, it’s important to keep a healthy balance.
Now that we have looked at a few kinds of beers that might interest you, you can rest assured it ain’t so bad to have a couple of beers every now and again and have some fun (responsibly of course)!
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